I believe that sorority (Solidarity between women) is an idea that I want to carry with me day after day, because only if we support each other and rejoice in the successes of other women, can we inspire ourselves to be better and better.
Since I was little I have always been in contact with the world of art, first as a dancer and then in fashion design. Expressing myself has always been a necessity for me, and along my path and day after day there are many female figures who have made me the person I am today.

One of the most important fashion designers in history, she inspires me because her character is of a social relevance comparable to that of artists such as Dalmè or Picasso (not for nothing were they known). Many claim that Schiaparelli's work has contributed to the social and professional advancement of modern women and to changing the conception of fashion, which came to be understood as a work of art.

I was lucky enough to develop at her dance school, so she certainly influenced me during the most important period of my life, my childhood and youth. With her, I not only gave free rein to my imagination and discovered my body as a form of expression, but I also experienced the demands and structure of the dance world.
Finally, the women who continue to inspire me day after day and who are part of my creative process are artists that you surely already know: Celine Dion, Laura Pausini or Jennifer Lopez. Strong, empowered and creative women who have managed to enter our daily lives and make a place for themselves in the collective culture.
And you, which women inspire you?